Storm & Yard Clean Up
Project: Utica, KS. storm & yard clean up.
New Holland Skid Steer use donated by Robert & Louise Nuttle
Farm Truck use donated by Russell & Michele Nuttle
Trailer use donated by Dalton & Emily Nuttle
One (1) day at the homes of Troy Haug (storm clean up) + Jerry Bernbeck (storm clean up) + Greg Babcock + Holly Jasper’s (July 10th)
Four Stewards: Dylan Nuttle, Michele Nuttle, Rick & Donna Lucas
Nineteen (19) hours of time donated
One (1) load of limbs removed
Two (2) loads of lumber donated to Aeroswint
Two (2) days for Stacy Shoer (July 11th - 12th)
Six Stewards: Dylan & Elizabeth Nuttle, Russell & Michele Nuttle, Rick & Donna Lucas
Fifty Eight (58) hours of time donated
Ten (10) truck loads of limbs & shrubs removed
One (1) load lumber donated to Aeroswint