Rebuilding America's Communities Together: One Nation, One Mission

Active Operations

Active Operations

Ongoing Planning

VFW Post #7972 // Ransom, KS

The Forgotten Stewardship will remove the old VCT flooring, level the section that has settled, sand the entire 5600sqft concrete slab, and install a Coval Sealant to the concrete floor.

The Ransom VFW has been an all-state post 33 times, the most in the state of Kansas. Making these updates will ensure that this VFW can continue to serve Veterans in the local area and the community they reside. Moreover, these updates will allow the VFW to continue renting their space at no cost for Funerals, Weddings, Birthdays, Reunions, Medical Training for years to come.

Operation: Move and Groove

  • Rentals: $4,470.95 - Concrete Scraper (2,500 sq ft per hour), Sander, Polisher

  • Supplies: $2,980 - Concrete Self Level, Draping Plastic, and Tape

    • Coval concrete sealer - cost TBD

  • Manpower: Estimated 640 donated hours

  • Total estimated costs to begin Operation: $7450.95

"Dylan remodeled the bathroom at McKinstry-Jones American Legion Post 380 in Utica, KS. We will be forever grateful for his great heart, abilities, and concern for community life." - Alan Hagans, Post Commander

"Dylan remodeled the bathroom at McKinstry-Jones American Legion Post 380 in Utica, KS. We will be forever grateful for his great heart, abilities, and concern for community life." - Alan Hagans, Post Commander

"Dylan remodeled the bathroom at McKinstry-Jones American Legion Post 380 in Utica, KS. We will be forever grateful for his great heart, abilities, and concern for community life." - Alan Hagans, Post Commander • "Dylan remodeled the bathroom at McKinstry-Jones American Legion Post 380 in Utica, KS. We will be forever grateful for his great heart, abilities, and concern for community life." - Alan Hagans, Post Commander •

Our Mission

The Forgotten Stewardship is a non-profit organization born from the desire to revive the tradition of neighbors helping neighbors in revitalizing and strengthening America’s rural communities. This mission is carried out through the collaborative efforts of residents and Veterans who are dedicated to serving their communities.

Our Stewards drive lasting transformation within communities and among residents by championing unity, resilience, and compassion. They use their unique skills and unwavering commitment to support, uplift, and empower individuals overcoming physical or financial challenges.

Our Stewards

Bringing extensive leadership experience from their service to the community or country, our Stewards are skilled professionals known for their integrity and honesty. But above all, they are neighbors with deep connections to the communities they serve.  

Who We Serve

The Forgotten Stewardship helps residence who are disabled, have children with disabilities, the elderly, veterans, disabled veterans, or those living with low to moderate income.

The need within each of these groups is substantial.

  • 61 million adults in the United States live with a disability, 13% of the U.S. population according to Additionally, 7.3 million disabled students in the U.S. made up 15% of national public school enrollment during the 2021-22 school year.

  • There are currently roughly 62 million adults ages 65 and older living in the U.S., accounting for 18% of the population.

  • states there were 36.8 million people in poverty in 2023, with $14,580 for individuals and $24,860 for a family of three.

While many homes require critical improvements and repairs, those most in need of updates are often occupied by households least able to afford the expense.

"The older I get the more I rely on Dylan for those homeowner fixes that are beyond my ability." - Judy Campbell

"The older I get the more I rely on Dylan for those homeowner fixes that are beyond my ability." - Judy Campbell •

On The Horizon

As we grow and welcome new Stewards with their unique knowledge and expertise, we are constantly expanding our capabilities. Check back here for the exciting new developments and capabilities on the horizon for The Forgotten Stewardship.