Friends Of The Organization
Since 2003, our mission has remained the same: to provide practical expressions of God’s love to our neighbors in need. Christ’s love for us compels us to love Him; His love for people motivates us to love our neighbors well. By serving others, we believe we are fulfilling this mission as Christ intended.
Although we’re the founding NeighborLink chapter of many across the United States, our goal is to create a unified network of neighbors helping neighbors, regardless of where they live or what they look like.
Thank you, NeighborLink, for living true to your mission of neighbors helping neighbors and allowing The Forgotten Stewardship to link your platform to our site, becoming the primary intake method across the U.S. for residents to vocalize their needs.
Ranchin’ Vets
The mission of Ranchin’ Vets is to assist in the reintegration of veterans from military to civilian life through a variety of programs offered within the ranching and agricultural industry.
Ranchin’ Vets was born on the idea that managing livestock is one of America’s oldest traditions, one which embodies the spirit, pride, and perseverance of the American people. The job of an American cowboy is not as glamorous or romantic as our society depicts, yet there is something sacred about this lifestyle. Ranching requires sacrifice, love, faith, and an uncompromising work ethic. Nobody better understands what has been sacrificed for this great land than a veteran, and nobody is better suited to care for her.
First, thank you, Ranchin’ Vets, for the work you are doing to assist veterans across the U.S. in their transition from military to civilian life. Your work is incredible and it truly matters. Second, thank you for your kindness and mentorship while The Forgotten Stewardship was moving from a dream to a reality and we look forward to our paths crossing again.